insert character in particular position.

I want to insert space in 7th position of all the lines usign vi editor or sed command

Input file

Output file
123456 89010
abcdef ghijk

awk -vFS="" -vOFS="" '{$6=$6" "}1' file
sed 's/.\{7\}/& /' file

Thanks. It is working for 7th position. Sameway in my another file need to modify 611th postiion

sed 's/.\{610\}/& /' file

But I am getting below err message
sed: Function s/.\{610\}/& / cannot be parsed.

You can use recording in Vi Editor.

Its very simple. Perform following steps.

1.> Open input file in Vi Editor.
2.> Go to first line, first character using ":1"
3.> Start recording using "qq"
4.> Move to the 7th character of line.
5.> Enter into edit mode by pressing "insert" or "i"
6.> Type your character.
7.> Press Esc
8.> Move to first character by pressing "Shift+^"
9.> Move to next line's first character.
10.> Press q to quit from recording mode.

Now play whatever you have recorded for any number of times you want.
For example, if you want to repeat this for 10 times then type "10@q"


sed 's/./& /7' inputfile > outfile    # at position 7
sed 's/./& /610' inputfile > outfile # at position 610
sed 's/./ &/7' infile

Thanks to All. It is working now...