Input in shell script

Need help with the following:

streamripper -D ~/RadioMitschnitt -l 200 > /dev/null 2>&1 

I want to change the script so that it asks for an input for "-l 200" (means length 200sec) and starts then with the new value for "-l".
Can I do this with stdin, or how does it work?

read val < /dev/tty
echo $val

Thank you, that works fine!

Now I'd like to add "if then" for the filename. So far it looks like this:

DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%R`
echo "How long?"
read sec < /dev/tty
echo "Please enter the file name:"
read name < /dev/tty
streamripper -D ~/RadioMitschnitt -l $sec > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
mv ~/RadioMitschnitt/incomplete/*mp3 ~/RadioMitschnitt/$name.mp3 &&
rmdir ~/RadioMitschnitt/incomplete/ 

I would like to add

"Please enter the file name ('d' for actual time/date):"

so that the script looks like

if $name=d then name=$DATE

How does that work? I have no idea...