INIT: Command respawning too rapidly

INIT:Command is respawning too rapidly
Check for errors:
id:cons /usr/sbin/getty console console

A solution I read about in a different HPUX Forums help pages on line, said to add the -h option to this command in the /etc/inittab file to correct the problem.

I tried this and it did not work.

Another solution was to copy over a fresh copy of the inittab, which I did:

#cd /etc
#cp inittab inittab.bak
#cp /usr/newconfig/etc/inittab inittab
#init q

-I then added the -h option, rebooted, and came back with the same error.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Probably, for some reason getty cannot open /dev/console. Make sure that /dev/console is ok and kill any processes that have /dev/console open.

Check the console entry in inittab file. It should look like this.

cons:123456:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty console console