Informatica - Unix Problem

hi guys,

I have to ftp an empty text file dim_trigger.txt form 1 server to another. The target server is mtiftp and i have defined the username and password.
Below is the shellscript thats in a file called dim_trigger.ksh
# FTP Bo trigger

HOST= 'mtiftp'
USER= 'CORP\nbsvd7l'
PASSWD= 'af$2Y58q'

ftp -n -v $HOST
quote USER $USER
cd /apps/informatica/msrvdev/TriggerFiles
put dim_trigger.txt

Now dim_trigger.ksh is in apps/informatica/msrvdev/SH. the text file dim_trigger.txt is in apps/informatica/msrvdev/TriggerFiles

I have a command task that calls the shell script using the command touch /apps/informatica/msrvdev/dim_trigger.ksh. But that doesnt seem to work.

Thanks for all your help in advance!