Indentation for Lists in html

An writing some html instructions to have text beside an image. The image
is located on the left and I want the tect to appear on the right side of the image.

The text includes a list. The problem is that the list boxes and not shifted.
The text within the list align on the left with the paragraph above. Usually when
doing <ul> after a paragraph, the list gets indented.

  GNU Behistun <span style="font-size: 55%">Un insieme di
  software per la Tomografia Sismica</span>

<img src="gbehistun--logo.png" style="float:left;margin:0
  34px 34px 0; height:18em;" alt="Logo di GBehistun"

  Una tecnica per la mappatura del sottosuolo (terrestre o
  stellare) che usa le onde sismiche prodotte dai terremoti,
  le vibrazioni antropogeniche e il movimento di fondo; la
  tomografia comporta tre processi fondamentali:</p>

  <li>La elaborazione numerica preliminare dell'
    informazione (es. metadati, dei segnali e della forma
    d'onda), adatte per la ricostruzione della propriet�
    fisiche subsuperficiali.</li>
  <li>La simulazione della propagazione delle onde
  <li>La determinazione delle propriet� interne usando
    algoritmi di stima e ricostruzione.</li>

You should put the <ul> element outside the <p> elements, <ul> counts as its own block.

I still have the problem. The problem happens when I am using the image on the left side.
In normal text, it is being indented as normal.

Try using a border-less table and put each elements in cells:-

<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2>

   <img scr ...
   <p> ...
   <ul> ...


How can I remove the table line enclosures?

What do you mean by table line enclosures? Are you referring to table border?

If yes, setting border attribute value to 0 will make it invisible. You can also remove below attributes:-

cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2

I meant that I want to remove a thin black line that displays two boxes

There should be no line if you set border to 0. Post your code.

  GNU Behistun <span style="font-size: 55%">Un insieme di
  software per la Tomografia Sismica</span>

<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>

    <img src="gbehistun--logo.png"
      style="float:left; margin:0 1cm 1cm 0; height:8cm;"
      alt="Logo di GBehistun" />

      <span style="font-size: 125%">La Tomografia
      Sismica</span> � una tecnica per la mappatura del
      sottosuolo (terrestre o stellare) che usa le onde
      sismiche prodotte dai terremoti, le vibrazioni
      antropogeniche e il movimento di fondo; che comporta tre
      processi fondamentali:
    <!-- ----------------------------------------- -->
      <li>La elaborazione numerica preliminare dell'
        informazione (es. metadati, dei segnali e della
        forma d'onda), adatte per la ricostruzione della
        propriet� fisiche subsuperficiali.</li>
      <li>La simulazione della propagazione delle onde
      <li>La determinazione delle propriet� interne usando
        algoritmi di stima e ricostruzione.</li>


Here is what I see when I open your code in Internet Explorer

I don't see a thin black line!

That's what I am trying to do, put for some reason, the box is still being displayed

Can you post the screenshot of your output?

Try HTML5:-

<table style="border:0" >

I have done the change but it boxes are still showing up.

That is strange, do you have a CSS that might be overriding it?

What should I look for?

If you have chrome browser:-

  • Select the Chrome Menu at the top-right of your browser window
  • Select More tools > Developer Tools
  • Right-click on line and select Inspect Element

and check which one defines the border.

th, td {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
padding: .5em;

Looks like it is related to th or td

When I tick out border, the border is removed

There you go, that is the CSS overriding the attribute.