indentation and lowercase to uppercase


i need to write a bash script that does two things.

the program will take from the command line a file name, which is a C code, and an integer, which is the size of my indentation

i would then have to indent every nested code by the number of columns provided by the user in the command line

for the next step, i have to identify all #define's and convert from lowercase to uppercase whatever is being defined.

for example,

#define print(x,y)

would become

#define PRINT(x,y)

and from then on, every occurrence of print should appear as PRINT

i would appreciate any help


The first step you can do with either indent or expand. Shell script is finished.

The second step is trickier -- especially since you theoretically must concern yourself with conditional defines. So if you have:

# define PRINT(x,y)
# define PRINT_T(x,y)

So you can try this type of thing:

perl -ne '/^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*define[[:space:]]*(\w+)/ && print $1," ",uc($1),"\n";' >subwords.tmp

Now you have a file "subwords.tmp" that you have to do a gobal search/replace for in the source files. A slow, but simple way is this:

cat subwords.tmp |
while read word replacement; do 
  perl -ipe "s/\b${word}\b/\b${replacement}\b/g" source.c

Make sure you make backup copies before trying any of this.