Increasing inodes

Hi ,

Can someone help me to increase "inode" in solaris 9?

Thanks in advance,

tell a little more about your problem... what do you have? what are you trying to do? and so on...

Using solaris 9 getting alert like "I-Node Used above 90%" ...

yes, this reflects your configuration... now we know all about your system. this is like asking what is about my car. the engine is making funny noise... :wink:

you've to tell more about your system. disks, volumemanagement and so on.

also, if you try the search function inside the forum you can find many threads with exact your problem!
like: How to increase Inode numbers in Solaris 10

This filesystem presumably has lots of small files in it, so you would do the following:

  1. Backup the contents of filesystem.

  2. Newfs(1m) the volume using the -i option to reduce the number of bytes per inode (see: newfs(1M) � construct a UFS file system (man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands) - Sun Microsystems, (all data in the filesystem will be wiped!).

  3. Restore the contents back to the reformatted filesystem.

As workaroung you can tar the files together. But only if the files are no more accessed, like old logfile... (eg. tar cvf /bla/bla/logs/logs.tar /bla/bla/logs/*)

Thanks guys. I will try your advice and let you know.

On the impacted file system do a find for 0 byte files. If they are old and have a common naming scheme you can probably delete them freeing up an inode for each file deleted.

If you find something like this, investigate to see what is creating the files and work with the programmer or script creator to make sure they eliminate the problem.

I have usually found the number of default inodes created by the system to be sufficient and it is usually just a matter of scripts or programs cleaning up temporary files created.

Yes, backup your file system and then do newfs -i

but before doing that, try to consult thoroughly with application vendor, so you don't have to do the same thing later on :slight_smile: