Increase Size of a Volume Group

Hi I have hp-ux 10.20

I have have my operating system VG of 7 GB in a 36Gb disk. So I have like 29GB of unused disk space. There is any way to increase my VG size, or to add another VG in the same disk so I can use all the disk space?

Another question, what is the maximun size that a VG can be in hp 10.20?

Show us the output of

vgdisplay -v vg00
# vgdisplay -v vg02
--- Volume groups ---
VG Name                     /dev/vg02
VG Write Access             read/write     
VG Status                   available                 
Max LV                      255    
Cur LV                      5      
Open LV                     5      
Max PV                      16     
Cur PV                      1      
Act PV                      1      
Max PE per PV               2288         
VGDA                        2   
PE Size (Mbytes)            4               
Total PE                    2287    
Alloc PE                    1583    
Free PE                     704     
Total PVG                   0        

   --- Logical volumes ---
   LV Name                     /dev/vg02/lvol1
   LV Status                   available/syncd           
   LV Size (Mbytes)            100             
   Current LE                  25        
   Allocated PE                25          
   Used PV                     1       

   LV Name                     /dev/vg02/lvol2
   LV Status                   available/syncd           
   LV Size (Mbytes)            512             
   Current LE                  128       
   Allocated PE                128         
   Used PV                     1       

   LV Name                     /dev/vg02/lvol3
   LV Status                   available/syncd           
   LV Size (Mbytes)            3700            
   Current LE                  925       
   Allocated PE                925         
   Used PV                     1       

   LV Name                     /dev/vg02/lvol4
   LV Status                   available/syncd           
   LV Size (Mbytes)            20              
   Current LE                  5         
   Allocated PE                5           
   Used PV                     1       

   LV Name                     /dev/vg02/lvol5
   LV Status                   available/syncd           
   LV Size (Mbytes)            2000            
   Current LE                  500       
   Allocated PE                500         
   Used PV                     1       

   --- Physical volumes ---
   PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c0t4d0
   PV Status                   available    
   Total PE                    2287    
   Free PE                     704     
ioscan -fnC disk
Class     I  H/W Path      Driver   S/W State   H/W Type     Description

disk      6  8/0/19/0.4.0  sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       SEAGATE ST336607LW
                          /dev/dsk/c0t4d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t4d0

Have you read about the vgextend command?

Man Page for vgextend (all Section 1m) - The UNIX and Linux Forums

I did it.. but It doesnt really say�s anything clear how to increase or add another colume group. I tried from SAM, but it doesnt let me change, it says that the physical volume already belong to a group

Can you

vgcreate VG02 /dev/dsk/c0t4d0

(Trying to do this from my memory.) Essentially trying to create a 2nd volume group from what is not yet allocated on that disk drive.

You're on an older version of the OS, but I know in current versions using LVM, you can't create more than one volume group on one disk.

That was not vgdisplay output of vg00...
What does swapinfo -tam give you?
What kind of system is this?

PE Size (Mbytes) 4
Total PE 2287

That makes the size of the disc 4 x 2287 = 9148 Mb (about 9 Gb).

It is possible that you specified a "-s <size>" parameter on "pvcreate" and artificially made the disc smaller.
Perhaps that the disc is a "dd" copy from a 9 Gb disc.
Could even be that the O/S is so old that is does not know how to deal with 36 Gb discs.

Thanks every body for the answers, finally I couldnt find a solution, so I recreate the volume group with the maximun size of the disk and I duplicate de logical groups. Maybe it was not the best solution, but it works, and also I couldnt wait more time

There were no other alternatives...You've learned the hard way what can happen when an installation was done immediately after reception without more brainstorming (accepting defaults...). on a 10.20 this is also true for the size / , swap (vg00/lvol2), /stand...
It showed you what being proactive means (likely the disk size (PV) tend to grow, how much should I enter for its max size knowing the value cannot be changed after...)