Increase a logical partition


I have a volume group of 737 Go (EMC)
To add 250 Go, i split the 250 Go to 2*125
No problem to add in the volum group, but when i want to increase the size of the logical volume, i have the message :

0516-787 extendlv: Maximum allocation for logical volume simdatabaselv
is 22500.

So effectively, the max partition is 22500...
there is a solution ? or i must save 737 Go (gloups !) and break the logical volume and recreate it ?
For information, physical partition = 32 Mo

Thank you

no, you have just hit the "MAXIMUM NUMBER of LOGICAL PARTITIONS" of this logical volume. This is a value which can easily be changed:

enter "smitty lv" and select "Set Characteristics of ...", then "Change a Logical Volume" and enter/select the name of the LV. In the upcoming screen find the parameter mentioned above and overwrite the value with some higher value. Save.

Alternatively: "chlv -x<newValue> <LVName>" is doing the same.


thank you very much !
I have so increase the size of lv, but when i want to increase the size of fs, i have the message :

516-404 allocp: This system cannot fulfill the allocation request.
There are not enough free partitions or not enough physical volumes
to keep strictness and satisfy allocation requests. The command
should be retried with different allocation characteristics.

and I have the message even if i want to add a little size...

ok it's good, the size of the fs wasn't good !

thank you.