Incorrect Percentage for Memory Utilization.

I am running the command

/usr/bin/free -b | awk '/Mem:|cache:/ {print $2,$3}' | sed 'N;s/\n/ /' | awk '{print ($4*100)/$1}'

to find out Memory utilization,

it is showing 205%, please suggest me what changes are required, below is output of free -b command.

[test@linuxtest ~]$ free -b
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:    1353938452 1348477050  546140160 3532815564  163950592 1319080386
-/+ buffers/cache: 2775715840 1326181294
Swap:   1677721190   57024512 1672018739

Are you aware that in the buffers/cache: line the fields are shifted by one due to the -/+ field at BOL?

Yes it looks like the numbers are incorrect and shifted (column width limitations?)
Try with free -m instead.
But probably it is better to use /proc/meminfo , since recent versions of free no longer have a -/+ buffers/cache: line and have an available column instead...