Include files

I have an implementation file tomog.cpp that implements a class called Tomog where I need to include its header file which resides in another place.

How can I best specify the include file? I would not like to do

#include "../../tomso/tomography/tomog.hpp"

I wish to do instead

#include "tomso/tomography/tomog.hpp"

Add this to your compile flags:

-I /path/to/basefolder

...and it will include that path in the search path when opening include files.

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I am getting a bit confused now. I have a class that has to include several classes.

Had set up the class declaration and implementation in tomog.hh. Now I have the declaration and implementation in separate files tomog.hpp and tomog.cpp.

Originally I included

#include "tomso/verbosity/lglevel.hpp"
#include "tomso/raytrace/velmod.hpp"
#include "tomso/optimization/objfunc.hpp"
#include "tomso/optimization/modmisfit.hpp"

I am now wondering where I should put the include directives, in the .hpp or in the .cpp??

As long as your include files are protected from multiple inclusion, you can put #include statements in an include file without worry.