Implicit FTPS error on Citrix Sharefile


I have to upload a file to a remote Citrix Sharefile server using implicit FTPS. But the problem I'm facing is that when the FTPS UNIX script is called through a GUI tool; it keeps on running and after forcibly killing that job, if I try to connect the same server directly from the UNIX box it throws the below error

 Login failed: 530 Sorry -- this FTP server accepts only 8 simultaneous connections per user.

I get that the GUI tool is not closing the connection properly. So I waited one full day and then tried it again directly on UNIX box and I'm still getting the same error!! How to close these open connections and where?


The problem is not on the client but the server side and it is probably a misconfiguration because inactive connections should be reaped at some sensible interval (even if what "sensible" means may vary from one implementation to the other).

Issue a netstat -a on the server side and you should see the open sockets, probably with the status "ESTABLISHED" or "LISTEN".

What you do next depends on what exactly your system is, so you would have to tell us about the specifics of your "UNIX box". In most systems there is some kind of kernel parameter for how long to hold open inactive sessions, but what exactly it is depends on the system (and maybe the version) you use.

I hope this helps.
