Implementing incremental find

Hi everybody,

I was wondering how one would implement an incremental find* feature into a web form?

I have a page where users can enter ids, for example names. If a user starts typing in D, then a list of names starting with D will be suggested as a drop down menu, where users can select the relevant one. Upon clicking on the menu, the form will be filled.

Google suggest** would be an example of what I want to achieve.



*Incremental find - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
**Features : Query suggestions - Web Search Help

you may want to wait until the user types at least two or three characters into the field, but what you're wanting can easily be done by way of ajax passing query strings back and forth. Page fires off entry contents after three characters, script returns back list of 5 relevant and matching entries in a query string back to the client, client accepts information, iterates over it, creating a form that pops up underneath the text box they're typing in.

Thanks for your reply thmnetwork!

Seems easy enough :stuck_out_tongue: And I agree with waiting until the user types at least two or three characters.

I've just come back from the library with some ajax books, so hopefully I can implement this soon.
