Image from harddisk

Can i take image from all data in SCSI hard-disk which work in foxboro workstation and extract it again on another hard disk ?:b:

For data look at ufsdump and ufsrestore for each filesystem. There are usage examples in the man pages. Other options are flash archives, tar, cpio etc.

Please Explain ?????????????????? :confused:


man ufsdump
man ufsrestore
man flarcreate

and choose the one thats best for you...

Hi, fyi (sample)
# newfs /dev/rdsk/c1t2d0s5
# mount -F ufs -o rw /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s5 /mnt
# ufsdump 0f - /opt | ( cd /mnt ;ufsrestore xvf - )
# umount /mnt