ILOM problem on T5220

I have setup my T5220 ILOM .. and its working fine. But if my network connection is broken to the ILOM i 'm unable to login to the ILOM for few hrs .. it gives me either wrong user/passwd error and after few hrs the same user/passwd works .. what could be the reason for this and how can i resove this ? is there anything i have not set up properly ?

login as: root
root@'s password:
Access denied

maybe you use the same ip as another ilom/machine. also, are you on latest ilom FW?

No i can still ssh the ILOM ip but the user/passwd stops working for sometime (few hrs ) and firmware i can check when i m able to login again.

Maybe I have different firmware revisions, but that login routine doesn't look like an iLOM routine. Is there a terminal server involved?