Illegal network activity


I have a wireless router connecting both windows and linux systems at home. I've discovered someone has been downloading illegal content on my network simply because they accidentally left the torrent downloader on their screen when showing me something. I removed their access for a few days as a punishment and told them never to do it again or I'd disconnect them permanently. I've just discovered by similiar means that they are still doing it. I can't trust them to obey the rules but I don't want to blanket ban them.

How can I monitor and log network web address accessing to my linux system? I know people are gonna shout hacker and other other dictator type comments but really I'm just trying to stop illegal activity on MY home internet network, I can't trust them, they've proven that, but I'm gonna get more grief if I remove their access and I'm not letting it carry on.


No offense - this is far more political/social than UNIX. -- you let them continue and they do something stupid, you lose your account privileges.

What exactly do you want to do - yell at them again? They are not going to stop until you actively prevent access.
You are in a lose-lose propostion. I do not see what logging anything gains you, except more conflict.

The logs you will want for linux are in /var/logs. We need the output of the following to help you more:

uname -a
cat /etc/release

/etc/release may be named something like /etc/redhat-release

Are you routing thru the linux box? You can use iptables to stop access to given sites.
See man iptables.