IHS connector related loading issue

I am getting the following error on loading the connector DLL in IHS 8.5 on AIX 7.1

 bash-4.2# /usr/32bit/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl start
httpd: Syntax error on line 902 of /usr/32bit/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/<company_name>/IHS85/lib/libApache22Connector.a 
into server: rtld: 0712-001 Symbol transcode__Q2_11xercesc_3_19XMLStringFPCUsPQ2_11xercesc_3_113MemoryManager was referenced\n
      from module libEmbeddedConfigurationClient.a(), but a runtime definition\n of the symbol was not found.\

The connector DLL is dependent on libEmbeddedConfigurationClient.a which inturn depends on Xerces DLL
However, I have another version of libEmbeddedConfigurationClient.a (which is an old one and not built by myself)
If I replace with than DLL connector DLL gets loaded.
I have checked for dependency (ldd command) of old one (working one) and it gives the following

          /usr/<company name>/lib/libGAStdLibrary.a
         /usr/<company name>/IHS85/lib/libConfigurationClient.a
         /usr/<company name>/IHS85/lib/libxerces-c.a(libxerces-c.so.0)

And for the non working one it points to the same DLLS except for the 7 th depedency.
In place of /usr/lib/threads/libc.a(shr.o) its /usr/lib/libc.a(shr.o)
Will this be an issue? How can I fix the problem?

Hi George,

For the 7 dependency, check if both files exist - if nor link one to the other using;

ln -s 

This should resolve for you.



I remember that in certain version combinations there was a problem with pathes named with a "32(-bit)" or "64(-bit)" extension instead of the common name. My Apache didn't work until i changed some path in a configuration file from ".../something/lib/....." to "..../something/lib64/..." for instance.

I suggest to look out for simijar problems, this might well be what hits you here.

I hope this helps.


Thanks for the reply. The issue was that I was linking with a different build of Xerces and I was using another build of the Xerces DLL in the lib folder.
