ifconfig - information

Hi All,

I need some info on ifconfig.

ifconfig is available in Linux and Solaris. However the options available in Solaris is not there in Linux.

  1. ifconfig -a == output is different in both OS. I am somewhat able to compare the output. But one thing I am not getting is after the flags there are some numbers, can someone please tell me what it is. I tried netstat -i, outputs are again comparable but...

(interface name): flags-1000853(up, broadcast, notra, Running)
inet (ip address) netmask FFFFFF00 broadcast

  1. The interface name in different systems are different like
    eth0, bge0... etc any particular notation is being followed?

  2. Options like [-]plumb, deprecated, removeif, moderemove, modelist etc
    are availbale in solaris but not in linux. Any idea the quivalent command in
    Can we use the option up and down for plumb and unplumb?

Any info on this will be of great help.
Thanks a lot for your time in advance.


No. they are different commands. Plumb and unplumb are different commands are are not used on GNU/Linux systems since such systems are not STREAMS-based. Plumb opens the device associated with the physical interface name (bge0) and sets up the streams needed by TCP/IP to make use of the device. Unplump destroys the streams associated with the driver and closes the device.

Yes. Each has its own namespace. Interface names on Solaris include ce, hme, bge, e1000g, ipge, xge and more. bge is the driver for a Broadcom gigabit ethernet NIC.

thanks a lot for the reply murphy...

any other info will be of great help...

what does native stream in unix means?
