ifconfig ge0 plumb

Hello Folks, can anyone please help me with this ?! :wall:

I'm using Solaris 10 with Sun V880 which has two Networks Interfaces, a Fiber (ge0) and a cooper (eri0).

The eri0 is working great but when I try to plumb the ge0 interface ...

# ifconfig ge0 plumb
ifconfig: cannot open link "ge0": DLPI link does not exist
# ifconfig ge0 auto-dhcp
Jun 14 17:35:40 itnetmon02 /sbin/dhcpagent[67]: dhcp_dlpi_open: open on `/dev/ge': No such file or directory
ifconfig: ge0: interface does not exist or cannot be managed using DHCP

However if I do ls in /dev I can see the ge

# ls /dev
allkmem       keysock       ptypf         sad           ttyq1
arp           kmdb          ptyq0         sctp          ttyq2
bl            kmem          ptyq1         sctp6         ttyq3
ce            kssl          ptyq2         sdp           ttyq4
cfg           kstat         ptyq3         se_hdlc       ttyq5
conslog       ksyms         ptyq4         se_hdlc0      ttyq6
console       llc1          ptyq5         se_hdlc1      ttyq7
cpu           lofictl       ptyq6         spdsock       ttyq8
crypto        log           ptyq7         stderr        ttyq9
cryptoadm     logindmux     ptyq8         stdin         ttyqa
cua           mc            ptyq9         stdout        ttyqb
dsk           md            ptyqa         swap          ttyqc
dump          mem           ptyqb         syscon        ttyqd
eri           mem_cache0    ptyqc         sysevent      ttyqe
es            mouse         ptyqd         sysmsg        ttyqf
fc            msglog        ptyqe         systty        ttyr0
fcip          null          ptyqf         tcp           ttyr1
fcode         openprom      ptyr0         tcp6          ttyr2
fd            physmem       ptyr1         term          ttyr3
fjgi          poll          ptyr2         ticlts        ttyr4
fm            pool          ptyr3         ticots        ttyr5
fssnapctl     poolctl       ptyr4         ticotsord     ttyr6
ge            power_button  ptyr5         trapstat      ttyr7
gpio0         ptmajor       ptyr6         tty           ttyr8
hme           ptmx          ptyr7         ttyp0         ttyr9
ibd           pts           ptyr8         ttyp1         ttyra
icmp          ptyp0         ptyr9         ttyp2         ttyrb
icmp6         ptyp1         ptyra         ttyp3         ttyrc
ip            ptyp2         ptyrb         ttyp4         ttyrd
ip6           ptyp3         ptyrc         ttyp5         ttyre
ipauth        ptyp4         ptyrd         ttyp6         ttyrf
ipf           ptyp5         ptyre         ttyp7         udp
ipl           ptyp6         ptyrf         ttyp8         udp6
iplookup      ptyp7         ramdiskctl    ttyp9         urandom
ipnat         ptyp8         random        ttypa         usb
ipscan        ptyp9         rawip         ttypb         vni
ipsecah       ptypa         rawip6        ttypc         winlock
ipsecesp      ptypb         rdsk          ttypd         wscons
ipstate       ptypc         rmt           ttype         zero
ipsync        ptypd         rsc-control   ttypf         zfs
kbd           ptype         rts           ttyq0         zvol

Any ideas ?!

Thanks in advance,

Post output of

dladm show-dev
# dladm show-dev
eri0            link: unknown   speed: 100   Mbps       duplex: full

Post output of

prtconf -D


prtdiag -v

#prtconf -D

System Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  sun4u
Memory size: 32768 Megabytes
System Peripherals (Software Nodes):

SUNW,Sun-Fire-880 (driver name: rootnex)
    scsi_vhci, instance #0 (driver name: scsi_vhci)
    options, instance #0 (driver name: options)
    memory-controller, instance #0 (driver name: mc-us3)
    memory-controller, instance #1 (driver name: mc-us3)
    memory-controller, instance #2 (driver name: mc-us3)
    memory-controller, instance #3 (driver name: mc-us3)
    memory-controller, instance #4 (driver name: mc-us3)
    memory-controller, instance #5 (driver name: mc-us3)
    memory-controller, instance #6 (driver name: mc-us3)
    memory-controller, instance #7 (driver name: mc-us3)
    pci, instance #0 (driver name: pcisch)
        scsi, instance #0 (driver name: glm)
            disk (driver name: sd)
            tape (driver name: st)
            sd, instance #6 (driver name: sd)
    pci, instance #1 (driver name: pcisch)
        SUNW,qlc, instance #0 (driver name: qlc)
            fp (driver name: fp)
                disk (driver name: ssd)
            fp, instance #1 (driver name: fp)
                ssd, instance #1 (driver name: ssd)
                ssd, instance #0 (driver name: ssd)
                ssd, instance #2 (driver name: ssd)
                ssd, instance #3 (driver name: ssd)
                ssd, instance #4 (driver name: ssd)
                ssd, instance #5 (driver name: ssd)
                ses, instance #16 (driver name: ses)
    pci, instance #2 (driver name: pcisch)
        ebus, instance #0 (driver name: ebus)
            power (driver name: power)
            i2c, instance #0 (driver name: pcf8584)
                fru, instance #0 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #1 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #2 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #3 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #4 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #5 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #6 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #7 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #8 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #9 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #10 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #11 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #12 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #13 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #14 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #15 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #16 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #17 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #18 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #19 (driver name: seeprom)
                temperature, instance #0 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #1 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #2 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #3 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #4 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #5 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #6 (driver name: max1617)
            i2c, instance #1 (driver name: pcf8584)
                controller, instance #0 (driver name: ssc100)
                smbus-ara, instance #0 (driver name: smbus_ara)
                controller, instance #1 (driver name: ssc100)
                temperature, instance #7 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #8 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #9 (driver name: max1617)
                ioexp, instance #0 (driver name: pcf8574)
                temperature, instance #10 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #11 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #12 (driver name: max1617)
                adio, instance #0 (driver name: ltc1427)
                adio, instance #1 (driver name: ltc1427)
                ioexp, instance #1 (driver name: pcf8574)
                ioexp, instance #2 (driver name: pcf8574)
                ioexp, instance #3 (driver name: pcf8574)
                ioexp, instance #0 (driver name: ssc050)
                ioexp, instance #1 (driver name: ssc050)
                ioexp, instance #2 (driver name: ssc050)
                ioexp, instance #3 (driver name: ssc050)
                adio, instance #0 (driver name: pcf8591)
                adio, instance #1 (driver name: pcf8591)
                adio, instance #2 (driver name: pcf8591)
                adio, instance #3 (driver name: pcf8591)
                temperature, instance #13 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #14 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature-sensor, instance #0 (driver name: lm75)
                fru, instance #20 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #21 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #22 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #23 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #24 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #25 (driver name: seeprom)
                hotplug-controller, instance #0 (driver name: hpc3130)
                hotplug-controller, instance #1 (driver name: hpc3130)
                hotplug-controller, instance #2 (driver name: hpc3130)
                hotplug-controller, instance #3 (driver name: hpc3130)
            i2c, instance #2 (driver name: pcf8584)
                fru, instance #26 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #27 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #28 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #29 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #30 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #31 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #32 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #33 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #34 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #35 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #36 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #37 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #38 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #39 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #40 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #41 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #42 (driver name: seeprom)
                fru, instance #43 (driver name: seeprom)
                temperature, instance #15 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #16 (driver name: max1617)
                temperature, instance #17 (driver name: max1617)
            i2c, instance #3 (driver name: pcf8584)
                nvram, instance #44 (driver name: seeprom)
            rtc, instance #0 (driver name: todds1287)
            gpio, instance #0 (driver name: gpio_87317)
            pmc (driver name: pmc)
            rsc-control, instance #0 (driver name: su)
            rsc-console, instance #1 (driver name: su)
            serial, instance #0 (driver name: se)
        network, instance #0 (driver name: eri)
        usb, instance #0 (driver name: ohci)
    pci, instance #3 (driver name: pcisch)
    ramdisk-root (driver name: ramdisk)
    iscsi, instance #0 (driver name: iscsi)
    pseudo, instance #0 (driver name: pseudo) 

# prtdiag -v

System Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  sun4u Sun Fire 880
System clock frequency: 150 MHz
Memory size: 32768 Megabytes

========================= CPUs =========================

                    Run   Ecache   CPU    CPU
Brd  CPU   Module   MHz     MB    Impl.   Mask
---  ---  -------  -----  ------  ------  ----
 0     0     0      900     8,0   US-III+   2.3
 0     1     1      900     8,0   US-III+   2.3
 0     2     2      900     8,0   US-III+   2.3
 0     3     3      900     8,0   US-III+   2.3
 0     4     4      900     8,0   US-III+   2.3
 0     5     5      900     8,0   US-III+   2.3
 0     6     6      900     8,0   US-III+   2.3
 0     7     7      900     8,0   US-III+   2.3

========================= IO Cards =========================

Is that whole output of prtdiag -v ?

Yes it is, however:

# cat /etc/path_to_inst | grep ge
"/pci@8,600000/network@1" 0 "ge"

I'm getting confused because during the install the interface was configured automatically with DHCP, then the eri0 get a DHCP address too (I want both interfaces UP and in diferent networks, the eri will be the management interface and the ge will the interface the clienst will access it) and after that the ge interface stopped working.

#  cat /etc/path_to_inst | grep network
"/pci@9,700000/network@1,1" 0 "eri"
"/pci@8,600000/network@1" 0 "ge"

Can you post output of:

prtdiag -v; echo $?

This might be due to a non global zone configured with an exclusive IP stack.

# prtdiag -v; echo $?
System Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  sun4u Sun Fire 880
System clock frequency: 150 MHz
Memory size: 32768 Megabytes

========================= CPUs =========================

                    Run   Ecache   CPU    CPU
Brd  CPU   Module   MHz     MB    Impl.   Mask
---  ---  -------  -----  ------  ------  ----
 0     0     0      900     8.0   US-III+   2.3
 0     1     1      900     8.0   US-III+   2.3
 0     2     2      900     8.0   US-III+   2.3
 0     3     3      900     8.0   US-III+   2.3
 0     4     4      900     8.0   US-III+   2.3
 0     5     5      900     8.0   US-III+   2.3
 0     6     6      900     8.0   US-III+   2.3
 0     7     7      900     8.0   US-III+   2.3

========================= IO Cards =========================


I'm not using zones in Solaris.


The "ge" driver seems to be on the system because it's listed in path_to_inst

Does the file /etc/hostname.ge0 exist? If not, create it with the required hostname in it. Also check that hostname appears in /etc/hosts with its required ip address.

Reboot the system including the -r (reconfigure) switch

boot -r

Does the boot sequence still report "cannot plumb ge0"?

Add "-v" also to get a verbose boot.

Once the system is up, what does the output of modinfo look like? Is the ge module loaded?

If I try reboot -r it says:

# reboot -r
reboot: illegal option -- r
usage: reboot [ -dlnq ] [ boot args ]

Or Boot

# boot -rv
boot: not found

What should I try ?!

There is a hostname.ge0 and also there is a hostname.eri0 and a /etc/nodename and the ip - hostname in the /etc/hosts.

Is it a problem? I have the same hostname (not the same IP, the eri0 is configured to DHCP) for both interfaces. I can remove the hostname.eri0 and also remove the entry in /etc/hosts to eri0 and remove the nodename, but will it help or the interface should be working beside this?

Hi pbx368,

You could try the following;

root-> touch /reconfigure
root-> reboot



I did that but I didn't got any prompt to reconfigure my server, I event tried to get init 0 and the boot -r and that didnt worked.

After the boot the ge0 is not getting up.

I'd say that the driver is not seeing the card because the driver is either wrong or corrupt. Revert to card manufacturers instructions on installing the driver on this system.

Let's see what other suggestions are forthcoming from forum members.

Is the "ge" module even loaded? What's the output from modinfo?

And again - try to boot with the "-v" option. From a login shell, that ould be done by:

reboot -- -r -v


Doesn�t looks like the module was loaded.

# modinfo | grep eri
105 7bf7c000   9340  29   1  zs (Z8530 serial driver V4.131)
109 7bf8a000   3ff8   -   1  usbser (USB generic serial module 1.18)
133 7bfee000   f6d8   8   1  eri (10/100 Mb Ethernet Driver v1.40)
155 7b73f340    ae8  31   1  seeprom (I2C serial EEPROM device driver)

# modinfo | grep ge
  1  10a3590 21d370   -   0  genunix ()
 13  12907d0  91ed8 256   1  zfs (ZFS storage pool)
 16  132ff48   5260   -   1  sha1 (SHA1 Message-Digest Algorithm)
 55 7bb34000   2b58   -   1  md5 (MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm)
109 7bf8a000   3ff8   -   1  usbser (USB generic serial module 1.18)
123 7be18e70   1718  97   1  sysmsg (System message redirection (fan)
144 7be94000  2f198  85   1  md (Solaris Volume Manager base mod)
151 7b6c9148   4d98 130   1  fcsm (Sun FC SAN Management v20090728)
181 7b71dcc8    cb8 272   1  fm (fault management driver)

reboot -- -r -v

Rebooting with command: boot -r -v
Boot device: /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/disk@w21000004cf96ed25,0:a  File and args: -r -v
module /platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/unix: text at [0x1000000, 0x10a358d] data at 0x1800000
module /platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/genunix: text at [0x10a3590, 0x126b757] data at 0x1866800
module /platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-880/kernel/misc/sparcv9/platmod: text at [0x126b758, 0x126c1cf] data at 0x18bc080
module /platform/sun4u/kernel/cpu/sparcv9/SUNW,UltraSPARC-III+: text at [0x126c200, 0x127f067] data at 0x18bca80
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_141444-09 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Ethernet address = 0:3:ba:b:30:3
mem = 33554432K (0x800000000)
avail mem = 33592369152
root nexus = Sun Fire 880
pseudo0 at root
pseudo0 is /pseudo
scsi_vhci0 at root
scsi_vhci0 is /scsi_vhci
pcisch1 at root: SAFARI 0x8 0x600000
pcisch1 is /pci@8,600000
PCI-device: SUNW,qlc@2, qlc0
qlc0 is /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2
fp1 is /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0
ssd1 at fp1: name w21000004cf96e2f7,0, bus address e8
ssd1 is /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w21000004cf96e2f7,0
/pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w21000004cf96e2f7,0 (ssd1) online
ssd0 at fp1: name w500000e01a6809c1,0, bus address e1
ssd0 is /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w500000e01a6809c1,0
/pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w500000e01a6809c1,0 (ssd0) online
ssd2 at fp1: name w21000004cf96e769,0, bus address ef
ssd2 is /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w21000004cf96e769,0
/pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w21000004cf96e769,0 (ssd2) online
ssd3 at fp1: name w21000004cf96f0a2,0, bus address e2
ssd3 is /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w21000004cf96f0a2,0
/pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w21000004cf96f0a2,0 (ssd3) online
ssd4 at fp1: name w21000011c6412680,0, bus address e0
ssd4 is /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w21000011c6412680,0
/pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w21000011c6412680,0 (ssd4) online
ssd5 at fp1: name w21000004cf96ed25,0, bus address e4
ssd5 is /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w21000004cf96ed25,0
/pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ssd@w21000004cf96ed25,0 (ssd5) online
root on rpool/ROOT/s10s_u8wos_08a fstype zfs
pcisch2 at root: SAFARI 0x9 0x700000
pcisch2 is /pci@9,700000
PCI-device: ebus@1, ebus0
ebus0 is /pci@9,700000/ebus@1
todds12870 at ebus0: offset 1,300070
todds12870 is /pci@9,700000/ebus@1/rtc@1,300070
mc-us30 at root: SAFARI 0x0 0x400000 ...
mc-us30 is /memory-controller@0,400000
mc-us31 at root: SAFARI 0x1 0x400000 ...
mc-us31 is /memory-controller@1,400000
mc-us32 at root: SAFARI 0x2 0x400000 ...
mc-us32 is /memory-controller@2,400000
mc-us33 at root: SAFARI 0x3 0x400000 ...
mc-us33 is /memory-controller@3,400000
mc-us34 at root: SAFARI 0x4 0x400000 ...
mc-us34 is /memory-controller@4,400000
mc-us35 at root: SAFARI 0x5 0x400000 ...
mc-us35 is /memory-controller@5,400000
mc-us36 at root: SAFARI 0x6 0x400000 ...
mc-us36 is /memory-controller@6,400000
mc-us37 at root: SAFARI 0x7 0x400000 ...
mc-us37 is /memory-controller@7,400000
pcisch0 at root: SAFARI 0x8 0x700000
pcisch0 is /pci@8,700000
pcisch3 at root: SAFARI 0x9 0x600000
pcisch3 is /pci@9,600000
pseudo-device: dld0
dld0 is /pseudo/dld@0
se0 at ebus0: offset 1,400000
se0 is /pci@9,700000/ebus@1/serial@1,400000
PCI-device: usb@1,3, ohci0
ohci0 is /pci@9,700000/usb@1,3
cpu7: UltraSPARC-III+ (portid 7 impl 0x15 ver 0x23 clock 900 MHz)
cpu0: UltraSPARC-III+ (portid 0 impl 0x15 ver 0x23 clock 900 MHz)
cpu1: UltraSPARC-III+ (portid 1 impl 0x15 ver 0x23 clock 900 MHz)
cpu2: UltraSPARC-III+ (portid 2 impl 0x15 ver 0x23 clock 900 MHz)
cpu3: UltraSPARC-III+ (portid 3 impl 0x15 ver 0x23 clock 900 MHz)
iscsi0 at root
iscsi0 is /iscsi
cpu4: UltraSPARC-III+ (portid 4 impl 0x15 ver 0x23 clock 900 MHz)
cpu5: UltraSPARC-III+ (portid 5 impl 0x15 ver 0x23 clock 900 MHz)
cpu6: UltraSPARC-III+ (portid 6 impl 0x15 ver 0x23 clock 900 MHz)
pseudo-device: zfs0
zfs0 is /pseudo/zfs@0
SUNW,eri0 : Local Ethernet address = 0:3:ba:b:30:3PCI-device: network@1,1, eri0
eri0 is /pci@9,700000/network@1,1
Failed to plumb IPv4 interface(s): ge0
Failed to plumb IPv6 interface(s): ge0
pseudo-device: devinfo0
devinfo0 is /pseudo/devinfo@0
pseudo-device: pseudo1
pseudo1 is /pseudo/zconsnex@1
/pci@8,700000/scsi@1 (glm0):
        Rev. 4 Symbios 53c875 found.
PCI-device: scsi@1, glm0
glm0 is /pci@8,700000/scsi@1
ses16 at fp1: name w50800200001a0bc9,0, bus address dc
ses16 is /pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ses@w50800200001a0bc9,0
/pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@2/fp@0,0/ses@w50800200001a0bc9,0 (ses16) online
pseudo-device: fcode0
fcode0 is /pseudo/fcode@0
pseudo-device: llc10
llc10 is /pseudo/llc1@0
gpio_873170 at ebus0: offset 1,300600
gpio_873170 is /pci@9,700000/ebus@1/gpio@1,300600
pseudo-device: fcsm0
fcsm0 is /pseudo/fcsm@0
pseudo-device: lofi0
lofi0 is /pseudo/lofi@0
pseudo-device: trapstat0
trapstat0 is /pseudo/trapstat@0
pseudo-device: mem_cache0
mem_cache0 is /pseudo/mem_cache@0
pseudo-device: fssnap0
fssnap0 is /pseudo/fssnap@0
SUNW,eri0 : 100 Mbps full duplex link up
dump on /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/dump size 1536 MB
Configuring devices.
pseudo-device: ramdisk1024
ramdisk1024 is /pseudo/ramdisk@1024
pseudo-device: fcp0
fcp0 is /pseudo/fcp@0
su0 at ebus0: offset 1,3062f8
su0 is /pci@9,700000/ebus@1/rsc-control@1,3062f8
su1 at ebus0: offset 1,3083f8
su1 is /pci@9,700000/ebus@1/rsc-console@1,3083f8
sd6 at glm0: target 6 lun 0
sd6 is /pci@8,700000/scsi@1/sd@6,0

ok . that is 880 server .. assume eri0 is your interface and connect to lan cablr to interface .. otherwise you try
ifconfig eri0 plumb or
ifconfig ce0 or ce1 plumb