If statements....

Good morning all!

I want to know if Im interpreting this if statement below right.

if(((1) || (0)) && (1)){
  do stuff;

This is saying: if true piped into false, then true, then do stuff. Right?

What does the && stand for?

thanks in advance!

|| = logical or
&& = logical and

((1) || (0)) = Return true that means 1

1 ( refer the previous answer ) && (1) = Return True of course

Dear Friend

|| => Logical OR
&& => Logical AND

In operator || if one value is true, the condition is true
In operator && both value should be true, if we want ,true value

((1) || (0))
IN the above statement 1 || 0 is 1. So it is true.

1 && 1
This also true.
So both conditions are true. It will do some stuff