IF Statement

i used IF statement used like:

SYSTEM_TIME=`date '+%H:%M:%S'`
H2=`(expr "$1" : "\(..\):..:..")`
M2=`(expr "$1" : "..:\(..\):..")`
S2=`(expr "$1" : "..:..:\(..\)")`
H1=`(expr "${SYSTEM_TIME}" : "\(..\):..:..")`
M1=`(expr "${SYSTEM_TIME}" : "..:\(..\):..")`
S1=`(expr "${SYSTEM_TIME}" : "..:..:\(..\)")`
TIME=`(echo "$H2*3600+$M2*60+$S2-($H1*3600+$M1*60+$S1)" | bc)`

if [ "${TIME}" -lt 0 ] ; then
TIME=`(echo "${TIME}+(86400)" | bc)`
return $TIME

this script run automaticall when the script has called.
but the script will retun negative value(ex: -8564) when first run occured.
if u run manualy the script wil be retun correct value only.

Please help me on the same.

Don't return $TIME, echo "$TIME"

use the function like this:

my_result=$( convert_seconds <argument goes here> ) 

But acctual error not in Return value, the if statement not excuted properly in first run.

how do you call the function?