If statement with unmatched condition

Hi Gurus,

I'm facing some issues with multiple conditions in my if statement.

if (!($InputLine=~/^Date/)) && (!($fields[6] eq "VEN")) {

Above is the line troughing some syntax errors.

I am trying to avoid the below creteria lines to process in my logic.

  • Records starting with "Date"
  • Valie "VEN" in field 6

Syntaxually the above code looks correct. But not sure why it is giving copilation errors...

Could someone advice if i'm doing anything wrong pls?


Is this part of a homework assignment?

What utility are you using to process this statement?

What diagnostic is it printing when you try to compile or run this code?

How are the variables $InputLine and $fields[] defined?

It is part of a filtering records from a file using a perl sub routine

I'm getting below syntax error while running the sub routine

26th line is that IF statement...

$InputLine is taking the records in my input file.

Please find the below my sub routime...

open (FILENAME,"RAV_20150403_060000.dat");
while ($InputLine1 ne "") {
    # print $InputLine1;
    my $result = &derfun($InputLine1);
    #print  %$result;
sub derfun {
    my ($InputLine) = @_ ;
    my $vol;
    my @fields;
    my $sId;
    @fields = split /\t/,$InputLine;
    $vol = $fields[7];
    $sId = $fields[1];
    If  (!($InputLine=~/^Date/))  && ($fields[6] eq "VEN") {
        my $refA = {
            "c_id" => "1234",
            "src_ast" => "RAV-" . $sId,
            "vol" => $vol
        } ;
        return $refA;

You will need to put the condition into parenthesis:

if ((!($InputLine=~/^Date/)) && ($fields[6] eq "VEN")) {

Thanks Masir for the reply...

if  ((!($InputLine=~/^Date/))  && (!($fields[6] eq "MYR"))) {

I need to un-filter the VEN records... hence i used above... It worked now...

Thanks everyone...