if statement is not giving correct op

Hi I am using a awk command but not getting required o/p.
input file

2 ak
3 cb
4 de
5 gh
6 ij

awk program

BEGIN { x=0 }
{if ($1>3) {x=x+1}{print $0} }
END   {  print "I found " x " line have value more than 3" }


2 ak
3 cb
4 de
5 gh
6 ij
I found 3 line have value more than 3

required o/p

4 de
5 gh
6 ij
I found 3 line have value more than 3

How can i use two operation in single if statement like here i want to print the line and also increment counter.

{if ($1>3) {x=x+1;print $0} }

Thanks for reply.
Currently I am writing a awk program and running that by using

nawk -F" " -f b.awk file

Can I give complete command in a single line

nawk -F" " BEGIN '{ x=0 } {if ($1>3) {x=x+1;print $0} }' END   '{  print "I found " x " line have value more than 3" }' file

but in this case it is giving error

nawk  '$1>3 {x=x+1;print $0}END{  print "I found " x " line have value more than 3" }' file