IF question

Hi there

I'm new to bash and unix for that matters. Just started yesterday, having to do a script for work, outputting HTML from various system info's. And me having coded Rexx for years ... then this is a little different :slight_smile:

My question is simple .... I have an IF that does not work - > It seems to run the commmand instead.

I need to set a variable after a given percentage ...

Can you give me a hint.



while read inputline
   filsyst="$(echo $inputline | awk '{print $2}')"
       pct="$(echo $inputline | awk '{print $6}')"
   if ["$pct" >= $DiskCritical]; then
      if ["$pct" >= $DiskWarning]; then
   ... bla bla HTML stuff    
done < $limit

This is the content of the file:

/ /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 38471112 9755264 26730108 27%
/boot /dev/hda1 101086 12043 83824 13%
/dev/shm tmpfs 546000 286688 259312 53%
/media/VBOXADDITIONS_3.2.4_62467 /dev/hdc 32686 32686 0 100%

Could you, please, post some of those "input lines", or, even better, the whole "limit file"?

I've added the info in the original question above now :slight_smile: (It's basicaly just output from a -df -kP)

I also have a q uestion on how to format a number - ie 3.750,55 as a result of dividing a number with 1024 (diskspace calcs).

I can find lots of fun stuff - but the very basic I cant seem to find.


try this :wink:

pct="$(echo $inputline | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/.$//' )"


if (( "$pct" >= $DiskCritical ))
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Thank you very much - works like a charm.

Where is the best place to learn the basic stuffs about scripting?
I dont do much work on the Unix/Linux machine in my daily work, but I have to develop some generic scripts for monitoring and sending status HTML stuff back to the customers.


I can advise for learning
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

and unix.com forums :slight_smile:

Works fine on the Linux box, but on the AIX (think it is 3.5) box the IF fails with:

./unix_test.sh[16]: >= 90 : 0403-057 Syntax error

Its because of an "empty" field (null) compares to 90 ..

I need it to run on Solaris, HP_UX, Linux, True64 etc, so I was hoping that only the commands (ie vmstat, date, df etc) were different.

Can you offer help again?


can you write complete of your script

One way is to add a 0 tot the variable to do the integer test if the pct could be an empty string:

pct="$(echo $inputline | awk '{sub(".$","",$6); print $6 + 0}')"

if (( "$pct" >= $DiskCritical ))

BTW: I've do the substitition of sed within the awk command and this test instruction could be more portable:

if [ "$pct" -ge "$DiskCritical" ]

add a control give error if pct is null

if [[ "$pct" = "" ]] ; then pct=0; echo $pct; fi