If no input then set directory to current

Hi GUys

I have a script where i am counting the number of files that the user has read permissions to in a folder . They are asked for this folder at the start

if they dont enter anything then i want to be able to do the search on the current directory, can you help me with that part please ?

I am just using find commands for the permissions bit

echo " choose the dir "
read dir

fileread=$(find "$dir" -type f -perm u+r | wc -l)

echo "you have read permissions to $fileread files
find "${dir:-.}" -type f -perm u+r | wc -l

See Bash Reference Manual: Shell Parameter Expansion.

1 Like

They will have to press "enter" to terminate the read . Did you consider read 's -t option (timeout) to terminate without ANY input?

im getting bad substitution on that

case $# in
0) dir=${dir.-.}

Use a colon instead dot (exactly copying neutronscott's proposal).

Please add "code" tags around your code!
According to your description you want at least u+r permissions (other permissions are allowed), so it must be -u+r

echo " choose the dir "
read dir
fileread=$(find "${dir:-.}" -type f -perm -u+r | wc -l)
echo "you have read permissions to $fileread files"

Or with parameters

fileread=$(find "${@:-.}" -type f -perm -u+r | wc -l)

NB the $@ expands within " " (unlike $* ). This makes it possible to pass a dirname with embedded space (for exampe "this dir" ).

Manually longhand using OSX 10.7.5, default bash terminal...
Always initialise the current directory before letting the timeout continue...

Last login: Thu Sep 24 20:02:19 on ttys000
AMIGA:barrywalker~> mydir=$(pwd)
AMIGA:barrywalker~> echo $mydir
AMIGA:barrywalker~> ls "$mydir"
03080.sh		03240.sh.txt		Downloads
03083.sh		03241.sh.txt		Library
03090.sh		2015			Movies
03100.sh		AAWG			Music
03120.sh		AudioScope.sh		Pictures
03140.sh		AudioScope.sh.txt	Public
03180.sh		AudioScope.sh~		Scope
03197.sh		AudioScope.txt		URL
03220.sh		BW_HELP			hexstring
03220.txt		Desktop			listing.txt
03240.sh		Documents		sox-14.4.0
AMIGA:barrywalker~> read -t5 mydir
AMIGA:barrywalker~> echo $mydir
AMIGA:barrywalker~> ls "$mydir"
launch-Az884J		launch-qrFcE6		launchd-119.lqY2J3
launch-PSV50N		launch-zRFZQJ		launchd-253.YZiA7D
AMIGA:barrywalker~> mydir=$(pwd)
AMIGA:barrywalker~> read -t5 mydir
AMIGA:barrywalker~> echo $mydir
AMIGA:barrywalker~> ls "$mydir"
03080.sh		03240.sh.txt		Downloads
03083.sh		03241.sh.txt		Library
03090.sh		2015			Movies
03100.sh		AAWG			Music
03120.sh		AudioScope.sh		Pictures
03140.sh		AudioScope.sh.txt	Public
03180.sh		AudioScope.sh~		Scope
03197.sh		AudioScope.txt		URL
03220.sh		BW_HELP			hexstring
03220.txt		Desktop			listing.txt
03240.sh		Documents		sox-14.4.0
AMIGA:barrywalker~> _

thanks guys

I am just trying to find read, not "at least read"

Ok i have added the following at the top of the script

case $# in
0) dir=${dir:-.}
echo $dir

When i run this it tells me i have read permissions to 112 files and the echo $dir shows . so im presuming this command sets the location at root ? if the user starts at Templates for example c:\templates and runs the script and dosent enter any directory then i want the command to run on Templates

Try something more like:

case $# in
(0)	printf 'Enter directory: '
	read dir;;
(1)	dir="$1";;
printf 'Using directory "%s"\n' "$dir"

Or, if, when no operands are given to your script, you want to use the current directory specified as an absolute pathname instead of prompting for it:

case $# in
(0)	dir="$PWD";;
(1)	dir="$1";;
printf 'Using directory "%s"\n' "$dir"

or, more simply:

printf 'Using directory "%s"\n' "$dir"
1 Like

thanks for your help. I have it all working now except for if the user specifies a directory. The script still runs on the current directory. Any idea why $1 isnt being interpreted ?


echo "What directory do you want to check your permissions on ?"
read dir

case $# in
(0) dir="$PWD";;
(1) dir="$1";;
echo $dir

fileread=$(find "$dir" -type f -perm /u+r | wc -l)
echo "You have read permissions to $fileread files"

filewrite=$(find "$dir" -type f -perm /u+w | wc -l)
echo "You have write permissions to $fileread files"

filecombi=$(find "$dir" -type f -perm /u+rw | wc -l)
echo "You have read and write permissions to $fileread files"

"specifies" means what? Supplying a single parameter to the script or entering some answer to be read into "dir"?

entering the answer to be read into dir

user is asked what dir - if they type in a dir then the script isnt acting on it, its still acting on pwd

and it should - according to your script, $dir isn't used any more but overwritten in the case statement.

ok . i must be missing something here. i thought that the case statement would change dir to $pwd if there was no entry by the user and if there was 1 entry then it would change dir to that entry $1 ?

No. $# is the parameter count to the script, nothing to do with the variable read. Try sth like [ -z $dir ] to check for an empty variable.

parameter count, yes so if 0 then set dir to pwd and if 1 (the user enters a dir) then set dir to that value ?

---------- Post updated at 05:04 AM ---------- Previous update was at 04:53 AM ----------

ok i looked at using the method you suggested and it works ok on hte current directory now (if no user input) but still doesnt take the user input into $1 if they enter it

if [ -z $1 ]
elif [ -n $1 ]

The user does not enter a parameter when typing into a read statement. Parameters are supplied when calling the script (e.g.scname):

./scname  A   B   C
=    $0   $1  $2  $3  
$#: 3
1 Like

but i dont want to supply parameters calling the script. I just want the script to execute and ask the user what dir they want to check

if the user just presses enter without entering a dir then the script will use the current dir

if the uses enters a dir then the script will use that one

Then don't use $1 nor $# , but $dir .

I must be annoying you so apologies for that

yeah i thought that myself that it should be $dir so last time now i promise, here is my code

If i enter a dir then it works fine but its now not working on the current dir (if user enters no value)


echo "What directory do you want to check your permissions on ?"
read dir

case $dir in
(0) dir="$PWD";;
(1) dir="$dir";;
printf 'Using directory "%s"\n' "$dir"

fileread=$(find "$dir" -type f -perm /u+r | wc -l)
echo "You have read permissions to $fileread files"

filewrite=$(find "$dir" -type f -perm /u+w | wc -l)
echo "You have write permissions to $fileread files"

filecombi=$(find "$dir" -type f -perm /u+rw | wc -l)
echo "You have read and write permissions to $fileread files"