If I want to create such Installer (Not RPM)

Hi All,

I had created a installer (RPM), but later I came across that Netbeans (netbeans-6.9-ml-linux), Flex Builder Linux Alpha (flexbuilder_linux_install_a4_081408.bin) and JDK (jdk-6u20-linux-i586-rpm.bin) dont provide any RPM but they provide a huge binary executable shell script.

My question is:

  • Why these guys don't provide a RPM?
  • And when I open JDK installer shell script in editplus editor, its been a bit encrypted one. How these guys putting a huge stuff in a single shell script + encrypting a maximum of code & gets installed with all required files?
  • If I want to re-write in the similar fashion, What resources I would required. Any links etc?
