If else in awk program

Hi All ,

I have set of input files with one of the fields as below
File 1 -Field 1=BUDGET_CURR_FX
File 2 -Field 1=BUDGET_MTH_AVGFX
File 3 -Field 1=BUDGET_PREV
Now i need to include one extra field in the new file as below
Output File 1 -Field 1= BUDGET Field2=CURRENT_FX
Output File 2-Field 1= BUDGET Field2=MTH_AVGFX
Output File 3-Field 1= BUDGET Field2=PRIOR
I need to do this using if else loop in awk ,
Can you please help



File 1 -Field 1=BUDGET_CURR_FX
File 2 -Field 1=BUDGET_MTH_AVGFX
File 3 -Field 1=BUDGET_PREV


awk -F"=" '{OFS="\=";split($2,a,"_");d=length($2);s=length(a[1]);
print $1,a[1]" field2",substr($2,s+2,d-(s))}' file5.txt


File 1 -Field 1=BUDGET field2=CURR_FX
File 2 -Field 1=BUDGET field2=MTH_AVGFX
File 3 -Field 1=BUDGET field2=PREV
akshay@nio:/tmp$ cat file
File 1 -Field 1=BUDGET_CURR_FX
File 2 -Field 1=BUDGET_MTH_AVGFX
File 3 -Field 1=BUDGET_PREV
akshay@nio:/tmp$ awk 'sub(/_/," field2=",$4)+1' file
File 1 -Field 1=BUDGET field2=CURR_FX
File 2 -Field 1=BUDGET field2=MTH_AVGFX
File 3 -Field 1=BUDGET field2=PREV