Idle sessions.

What kind of problems can be faced if any session which connects to unix server is open for longer time?
How to find out from how much time that session is idle? :slight_smile:

Simply type w

ant:/sm/doc $ w
 10:33am  up 125 days, 25 mins,  20 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01
User     tty           login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what
vbe      pts/0         4:10pm138:23 110:09 110:09  gpm
vbe      pts/1         4:38pm112:42                ssh lo4
vbe      pts/2         4:48pm905:43                rlogin rh5c
vbe      pts/3         5:49pm     1                /usr/bin/ksh
vbe      pts/4         5:44pm428:08                rlogin n12
vbe      pts/5         6:11pm571:04      1      1  rlogin n12
vbe      pts/6        10:35am143:56                rlogin sciv
vbe      dtremote      4:01pm  7:47                -
vbe      pts/7        10:39am450:08                rlogin n12