Identify mirrored Pv in aix


Any one can help me to how to identify primary mirrored disk in mirrored VG in aix 5.3..

Afaik there is no priority with the disks in a mirror. Is there any problem you encountered?

Thanks for ur reply..

No pbms i have.. but i want to know which disk is currently mounted.. which one ll take priority if one disk is fail...

If the disks are mirrored with mirrorvg or mklvcopy, then the LVM will take care. You don't have to worry about it. If one disk failes, you will get error report entries. To see which disks are participating with the mirror do

lspv| grep <vgname>

To see if every LV is mirrored, check for at least twice the number of PPs to LPs with:

lsvg -l <vgname>

For mirrored PV's,PP's should be double the LP's.
You can check it with # lsvg -l vg_name,

Both disks are mounted and when one disk fails the other disk will take over BUT you still need to cleanly unconfigure even a dead disk from the system or you might face problems during reboot if your disk with the quota majority is the dead disk - and your system will not come up cleanly. The removal of the failed disk will move the quotas to the remaining disk.

BTW - dumpdevices are NEVER mirrored, you need to remove it manually from the system if you have no chance to migrate it off the dying disk.

Kind regards