I am planning to install slack 13.37 on an old stand-alone PIII (512 mb ram) with 17 gb disk space. I need to keep lotsa pdf, chm type e-books for programming with few other misc. documents.
I'm going to use this system for my personal use.
It has no network but I browse internet with cable connection.
Please suggest the approximate size of the following partitions I am planning to create with lvm; /root, /var, /tmp, /opt, /usr, /home.
/swap (1gig) and /boot (128mb)partition are there and are not included in the 17gb partition scheme.
I, initially wish to allocate the following;
500 mb each for /root, /var and /tmp.
1.5 gb for /opt
7gb each for /home and /usr
Please give me your suggestion.