I need the compiler !!! help me

I have the code

.section .data
format_string: .asciz "Tong la '%d'\n"
n: .int 6
.section .text
.globl _start 
	movl $0,%esi
	movl n,%eax
	movl $0,%ecx
	cmp %eax,%ecx
	je print
	add %eax,%esi
	dec %eax
	jmp loop1
	movl $format_string, %edi    
	movl $0, %eax    
	call printf    
	#call exit
	movl $0,%ebx
	movl $1,%eax
	int $0x80

I don't know what it is
Can you help me ?
And the compiler can compile it.
I'm from vietnam and my English is bad
Thank you very much :D:D:D:D

You want the as (assembler) compiler. It will produce a .o (object file) which you have to link using ld.