I need suggestion on problem read a file line by line and do stuff

At first, give my best wish for all MOD and admins here. I"m learning bash shell program just for a month, not too much, not too little, but i must admire that i'm very bad at math and algorithm. :frowning:

I want to do this :
Read the content of a file line by line and at each line, ask me want to read next line or not, if not, press N - end, if yes, press Y - read next line

This is the content of file :

I love linux verymuch. I want to learn it
Bash shell is not hard but it make
me gonna crazy. Can any one help me

I very need suggestion, i know it very easy with somebody else but with me it's not easy to find out. :confused::confused:

Presented like that, it looks like homework... (Do you remember the rules?...)
If I were you I would start by writing on a paper what is to be done:
In other words the algorithm...
Then once satisfied with it translate it to shell script.
Only at this point if it is not satifactory should I ask what we think of the script my posting a thread, explaining us your frustration with your code

And sure you will have replies...


Ooppss...Had to edit it...

So here are some tips

Use cat, while, read...

Then you'll probably encounter something weird like not being able to enter your choice of y/n so try searching about tty

Heres some hints:


for line in `cat /path/to/yourfile`; do
    echo $line
    {do something}

Then lookup the read command.