I need help to write easy shell script

Hello every one :smiley:
I am very new in Linux ... that why I do not have any idea to write the script :confused:
I am trying to read some tutorial , but I do not have enough time to do it !
because I have to submit my project results in next Wednesday
I need your help to write script !
I will be so appreciate if you help me :slight_smile:
I have 2 program the compress and decompress images ....

compress program will take the image name and compressed file name and it will generate the compressed data and store it in compressed file
the decompress program will take the compressed file name and image name
then decompress the compressed file and store the image

I want to test those programs on more that 120 images , that why I need to make a script to execute this programs on all those images
how can I make the script that will take the images from the directory then stored the compressed files
then another script to take the compressed files and store the images in the directory
do you have any idea to help me :):):slight_smile:
who's can write this script for me

Thank you

I am trying to read some tutorial , but I do not have enough time to do it ! 

This is not correct. Nobody here has time as well.
So, you have to spend time in learning the tutorial, make your hands dirty and come back here if you are stuck somewhere completely.

That is how pretty much how everybody here learned it ( well, everybody ! :slight_smile: )


Is this homework? If so, repost here, and don't forget to fill out the template completely.

Otherwise: This isn't a solutions factory. We're not paid to write anything for anybody (and no, it's not allowed to promise payment for writing scripts). We'll be glad to help you if you're stuck, and check for errors in your script, or even to provide a basic algorithm to do what you need, but that's it.