i have a serious problem in php

hello guys,

well as i mentioned first i have a serious problem, i need your help.

i have a hosting plan with linux, apache and php.

i have a script (that have my UID=32256) inside my web site (in the panel folder -see below-) that creates new scripts (in the pages folder) (the new scripts have another UID=99 i think it's the apache one).

these new scripts try to include another script (with UID=32256).

of course safe_mode = on and safe_mode_gid = off so php generates the safe_mode error because php compares the UID and 32256 != 99.

and of course i can't change these features because it's just a hosting plan and ini_set won't do it.

is there a way by FTP (it's the only way for me) to make a command that forces all the files of a directory to have the same UID regardless of who created this file.

here is the folders viewing :
the parent folder
drwxr-xr-x 6 32256 webdz117 4096 Sep 5 11:24 .
drwsrwxrwt 8 32256 99 4096 Jun 10 06:14 ..
drwsrwsrwt 2 32256 webdz117 4096 Sep 6 10:21 pages
drwsrwsrwt 3 32256 webdz117 4096 Sep 4 18:31 panel

it's very urgent, please answer me as soon as possible, thanks.