I have a problem in sending mail


I have a problem in sending mail ......

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$file_length = `cat file.txt | wc -l`;
if ( $file_length == 0) {} else {
`mail -s "Tool" <mymailid> < file.txt`;


Eventhough i have used `uuencode Mailfile$App_Server$line | mail <mymailid>`; i cannot able to send mail ........

But when i use the same command in command prompt the the mail is properly going.............. Can anybody solve this problem quickly........

The file.txt contains......................

05: 12:13.657436 Successfully
05: 12:14.804987 Successfully
05: 12:19.143323 Successfully

don t you forget (because of perl)
yourmailid\@\xxx.x ?

look if you want to be all OK with That I think you have to re-registration .(you have to make a new mail address. :cool: