I dont want to exit the program by ctrl + c

Hey , guys I am new to shell programing ,, so need a help from you guys ...

I have to write a shell script that accepts file name or directory name from the user if it is a directory then throw an error if it is a file then give the user two options .
1.overwrite the content
2.append the content

Here is my program ..

echo " Enter the File name or Directory name"
read fname
if test -d $fname # we are checking fname is a directory or not
then # if it is a directory 
echo " Please enter a file Not a directory "
echo " 1. Overwrite the contents of $fname "
echo " 2. Append the contents to your $fname "
read val
case $val in
echo "Write your content:"
cat > $fname
#read content
#echo $content> $fname
echo "Write your content:"
cat >> $fname
#read content
#echo $content>> $fname
*) # All other user input results in an usage message
    #echo Please choose alternatves 1, 2 or 3
    sleep 2

My problem is that I want to throw a message after the file is overwritten or appended without exiting the program
I have tried to use ctrl+c but it takes me out of the whole program .

Do correct me if I am wrong anywhere .

Perhaps there are better ways to solve it, but it works if you use ctrl-d instead.
Please use code-tags instead, and use indenting in your code for better readability.

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thanks ,, buddy my problem is solved ..