I cant access the floppy

I have two Digital boxs... vintage mid90's
OS DEC Unix...

I need to write an ASCII file to the floppy drive for transfer to a Windows box. The boxes are isolated. No email, no internet, no network... except between each other. A primary and a backup.

I examined /dev and found two references to 3.5" floppy @
Each box has one floppy drive, one CD and one Tape...

What is the syntax for the mount command?
What is the syntax for the copy command?

Thanks for any help.

Suggest you start looking at the following:
System Admininstration
General User
or use the man pages ....

man mount
man cp

should give you some info.

I used... man cp, man mount
and others...

Writen documentation is limited. My impression is that the process is so trivial that it doesn't require significant comment in documentation.

I have tride several different command formats, as stated in man mount, but no success and its not clear why. I suspect my error is basic. You would think this would fall into the class of "Intro to DEC Unix" but I haven't found it.