Humor language - C Plus Equality - where to get it?


I found an old article GitHub Takes Down Satirical 'C Plus Equality' Language - Slashdot

Where to get C Plus Equality? Seems everywhere censored.

> git clone
Cloning into 'c-plus-equality'...
fatal: repository '' not found

There is a big difference between "censored" and "we don't feel like paying our own money for your free hosting".

If the originators felt like it, they could host it themselves in a heartbeat, or pay someone anywhere else to host it, but having gotten the attention they wanted they are probably content...

You know, you could Google it...

I googled it and everywhere 404 links.

There is no working link.

It's the first result listed....

The URL you attempted to git clone is wrong! You need a "git URL".
Open the URL from your git clone command in a web browser and look at the upper left corner, there you can choose from three different "git URLs" (ssh/https/git). *Those* are meant to be fed to the git clone command.

Hope this helps.