HTML + Nail Command

Hello all

I am trying to send an email to my Outlook from a Solaris 10 machine using a Nail command. The email is of HTML type but when I receive it in outlook, its in simple text format showing HTML tags as shown below:

Command I am using:

cat body.lst | /opt/nail-11.25/bin/nail -r -b -s "`cat mail.lst`"  

The result is:

Win 1000 SMS Free   
Message-ID: <>
User-Agent: nail 11.25 7/29/05
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Dear Customer,<br><br>Recharge Rs. 100 now get an instant bonus of 1000 SMS for free.<br><br>test<br><a href = "#"><img src = ""></a><a href = "#"><img 
src = ""></a><a href = "#"><img src = ""></a>

How can I modify the command so that I receive it in HTML format ?
If nail command dosent work , how can I use mailx command to achieve the same ?

Set Content-Type to html:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

Where do I change it ?
The only input I am giving is :

cat body.lst | /opt/nail-11.25/bin/nail -r -b -s "`cat mail.lst`"

If you are not setting the MIME headers anywhere in your input file, then I guess nail is considering content type as plain text by default.

I suggest you to define MIME headers in your input file and use -t option with nail to use these headers.