.htaccess Rewrite Rule

Hello All,

I have been asked to create a .htaccess redirect. I have never attempted to work with one of these files. We have a pretty vanilla LAMP setup using rhel4 apache1.3 and php4.2.3.

I was instructed to place the .htaccess file in the document root of the site and and to attempt to get to work.

My goal is to have:


Redirect to:


Here is what I have so far. And I just keep getting a 404. It has to be .htaccess file to. I can make the redirect in the vhost but that is not acceptable.

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?traffic$ /topic/traffic.php

Thanks in advance.


RewriteRule ^blah[/]blah$ blah[/]blah2 [R=301,L]

Try something like that, although the brackets may need to be revampled