htable + verification

hello every body,

I have to verifiy if the param_key is selectionned twice or more and to print only one occurence i'm using htable what's the good implementation to add to the code to verify this.

code :

  char *tmpStr = NULL;
  ght\_iterator_t iterator_param;
  void *param_key = NULL;
  ght\_hash\_table_t *tmpHash = NULL;
tmpHash = inp\_hash_table;

  for \(tmpStr = \(char *\) ght_first\(tmpHash, &iterator_param, &param_key\); \(char *\) tmpStr != NULL;
   tmpStr = \(char *\) ght_next\(tmpHash, &iterator_param, &param_key\)\)
  if \( \(char *\) param_key == NULL \)
  /*\(void\) printf\("%s\\n",param_key\);*/
  tableFieldList = LstAddElt\(tableFieldList,param_key\);

return tableFieldList;

thanks for your help.