HPUX 11iV3 get Memory Usage report


Is there a way to get a Memory Usage report of for example one month?? I do know glance -m, top, swapinfo -tam and SAM. But that's all real time memory stuff. I do want to create a report/graph for a longer period.

It concerns a Superdome 2 with HPUX 11iV3


Many thanks in advance.

You will have to collect the data by running tools such as sar/vmstat/glance from crontab.
Check out sa1, sa2, sadc - system activity report package regarding sar.

As for glance i have found this article (i have not used this)
How to generate reports using glance binary log files - Wiki-UX.info

There is also SNMP, from which you can spool from to central server such as cacti or nagios.

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Hello Peasant,

Sounds logical :slight_smile: I will look into it.