hp-ux mksysb equivalent

Hi Guys,

Does hp-ux has mksysb equivalent with aix? Or something similar that you can save the system config.

Or you just backup the boot image, that's it.

Thanks in advance,


is this you're searching for ?

ignite - HP-UX configuration, installation, and recovery manager


so this will be saved on tape and you can boot from tape when disaster comes.

can you please give me more info on it.


man make_tape_recovery, see also:
make_boot_tape(1M), make_medialif(1M), make_net_recovery(1M),
manage_index(1M), pkg_rec_depot(1M), print_manifest(1M),
save_config(1M), swinstall(1M), instl_adm(4), ignite(5).
So ignite image can be on tape on network etc... and used not only after disaster...
can be used batch or interactive etc...

Good reading