howto run remotely call function from within script


I have the following script :

#################### Function macAddressFinder ########################
  `ifconfig -a > ipInterfaces`
   `cat ipInterfaces`

print -n "Server name is: "
read ServerName
     ssh $LOGNAME@$ServerName "$(macAddressFinder)"


When I execute this script I receive output from function macAddressFinder only from the machine where I executed this script. It doesn't give me back data from remote machine.

Hello~ :wink:

I think you should use only "Command" with ssh.

So if you want to call function, it is better to make a script.
For example...

---> ssh $LOGNAME@$ServerName "/tmp/"

2) /tmp/
---> ifconfig -a > ifInterfaces
---> cat ifInterfaces

.... It works well. Thank you~. :wink:

Yes this solution I allready figured out. I was wondering is there a way to do it without file with function definition ?
Maybe through some interface like in object oriented programming ?