HOWTO - change letter case of variable value


I have e.g. VAR1=january and I need to change it into VAR1=January.

How to change value of VAR1 variable to always set first character uppercase and other lowercase ?

thx for help.

echo "$var" | tr -s '[:lower:]'  '[:upper:]' | read tmp


echo hola | awk '{OFS="";print toupper(substr($1,1,1)),substr($1,2)}'

try this one

echo hello | sed 's/.*/\u&/'

I used advice from jim mcnamara, so :

echo "$var" | tr -s '[:lower:]'  '[:upper:]' | read tmp

But when I call function which uses this mechanism I get such error :
./filterEngine.ksh[11]: February: not found

# cat filterEngine.ksh

################# Funtion monthGrep() #####################
   494  monthGrep()
   495  {
   496  echo "$Month" | tr -s '[:lower:]'  '[:upper:]' | read tmp
   497  Month="$tmp"
   498  print $Month
   500  case $Month in
   501          STYCZEN)
   502                 `print January`
   503                  ;;
   504          LUTY)
   505                  `print "February"`
   506                  ;;
   507          MARZEC)
   508                  `print March`
   509                  ;;
   510          KWIECIEN)
   511                  `print April`
   512                  ;;
   513          MAJ)
   514                  `print May`
   515                  ;;
   516          CZERWIEC)
   517                  `print June`
   518                  ;;
   519          LIPIEC)
   520                  `print July`
   521                  ;;
   522          SIERPIEN)
   523                  `print August`
   524                  ;;
   525          WRZESIEN)
   526                  `print Septemebr`
   527                  ;;
   528          PAZDZIERNIK)
   529                  `print October`
   530                  ;;
   531          LISTOPAD)
   532                  `print November`
   533                  ;;
   534          GRUDZIEN)
   535                  `print December`
   536                  ;;
   537          *)
   538                  `print /dev/null`
   539                  ;;
   540  esac
print -n " What is the name of the month? "
read Month

monthGrep `print $Month`

thx for help


other solution that could be used for other languages is:

Create a file names (i.e) months with the content:

...and so on...

then, if in the variable month you have the user entered, you can:

grep -i $month months | cut -d: -f 2

and the result will be the english name...

bash 4

# name=january
# echo ${name^}


# name=jAnUaRy
# first=${name:0:1}
# rest=${name:1}
# name=${first^}${rest,,}
# echo $name

Yes, agree with other solutions, but when I execute this script I get the following error:

Program asks me to put value, I enter luty.
Then program should print to the screen "February" bu it print the following error :

./filterEngine.ksh[11]: February: not found

What is the problem here ?

the line number of the error is "11"?

this line doesn't appear in the code you've posted.


You are executing the result of print February:

$ `print February`
ksh: February:  not found.

$ print February

Remove the backquotes

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