How to write BTEQ batch scripts in UNIX?

Hi All,

I need to write Unix shell script. To star with : I need to do some file checking on unix file system, then based on file existance, I need to run diff SQL in Teradata Bteq. After that, depending on Results of SQL, I need to code other shell scripting like moving file, within same script.
My script look like:

step1 :- Unix commands...
step2 :- Unix commands...
step3 :- Unix commands...
step4 :- BTeq Login
step5 :- Teradata SQL..
step6 :- BTEQ Logoff
step7 :- Unix Commands..
step8 :- Unix COmmands..

For this I m using code like :

 echo 'unix command'
echo 'unix command'
bteq << EOF
.logon <systemid>/<userid>,<password>;
select current_timestamp;
echo 'unix command 3'
echo 'unix command 4'
echo 'unix command 5'

But getting error like:
syntax error: unexpected end of file

But I executed separately shell script and Bteq batch , it is working fine to me.

Please let me Know how to invoke bteq batch in shell script.

Shilpi Gupta

<< EOF tells it to wait for a line that is exactly "space" "EOF".

Try <<EOF

You'll also get unexpected end of file if you've an if without fi or while without done , etc... as well as missing quotes. The latter usually prints two errors though in bash:

./script: line 4: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./script: line 7: syntax error: unexpected end of file

We'll need actual code and actual output to assist further.

Hi Neutronscott,

Please find below code:

  set -f
  echo "=================$BTEQ_NAME=================="
  while read i; do
  /usr/xpg4/bin/awk -v target=$DB_Name '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i ~ target) print $(i)}' $BTEQ_NAME  > ${DB_Name}_TableList.txt
  sed '/FOLDR/d' ${DB_Name}_TableList.txt > ${DB_Name}_IFile.txt
  /usr/xpg4/bin/awk '!x[$0]++' ${DB_Name}_IFile.txt > ${DB_Name}_File.txt
  rm ${DB_Name}_IFile.txt
  rm ${DB_Name}_TableList.txt
  if [ -s ${DB_Name}_File.txt ] ; then
     echo ${DB_Name}_File.txt
      conn_string=`ksh /apps/cronacle/tools/teradata/.otherdetails/ UID_ODS_CLP_DRG`
     export conn_string;
     bteq <<EOF
     .logon ${conn_string};
     .export report FILE = /ftp/SrcFiles/src/SSSS/sample.txt;
     SELECT * FROM dbc.tables where tablename='AP_INVC_F_V';
   done <Param.txt
 # Main Body of this Script
for i in `cat ${BTEQ_NAME_LIST}` ; do
BTEQ_NAME=`echo "${i}" | awk -F"|" '{ print $1 }'`;
export BTEQ_NAME;
 BTEQ_PARAM_FILE=`awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/\/bin/)print $(i)}' $BTEQ_NAME|cut -d"/" -f8|cut -d";" -f1`
 awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/\=/)print $(i)}' $BTEQ_PARAM_FILE|cut -d"=" -f1 > ParamP1.txt
 awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/_/)print $(i)}' ParamP1.txt > Param.txt
 #rm ParamP1.txt
 #rm Param.txt

Getting Output as:

./ line 66: syntax error: unexpected end of file

This script was working fine, when I m not inserting any Bteq batch inside it..

Please help me to find root cause behind this..

EOF must not have any whitespace before it. There's an exception in bash if you use <<-EOF .

From Bash Reference Manual: Here Documents:

edit: i see you're calling ksh. <<- applies to ksh88/93 as well if you decide to indent with tabs.