how to wait after apache log rotation

My solaris server utilize the freeware savelog program to rotate apache logs. One server has become very busy and even after doing a graceful restart it continues to log to the saved gzip log file.

Has anyone been able to come up with a way or script to issue a "wait" type command so that the new log file is used instead of the old file.

I know this might not be the forum but I am looking for one.

Thanks for any help.

The usual system to use for log file rotation on Linux is logrotate the man page even includes an example entry for dealing with apache log file rotation.

Logrotate for Solaris, ready compiled and packaged up is available from:
Sunfreeware - Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Sun Microsystem's Solaris

Perhaps logrotate would be worth a try?

Note that the logrotate example does a:

kill -HUP 

of the apache PID, not a restart of apache, perhaps you could try that in your savelog configuration.

The other idea to try is to do a copy truncate, that is copy the current log file to httpd.log.0 (having rolled the previous log files to httpd.log.n+1 first) and then do :

cat /dev/null > httpd.log

So that the inode number used by apache for the log file does not need to change?

does logadm not satisfy your needs? just wondering here.