How to use wildcard * in if?


Can anyone help me how to use * in if statement.

File contains below


I need to find line by line 4th field contains 'Apple' or not.

Please help me at the earliest.

while read line; do
if echo $line|grep '^[^|]*|[^|]*|[^|]*|Apple|'; then
done <filename

What is your final goal ?

Display lines whose 4th field contains the word "Apple"

awk -F\| '$4~/Apple/' filename

Display lines whose 4th field do not contain the word "Apple"

awk -F\| '$4!~/Apple/' filename

Thanks for your reply.

but i am not getting the output

---------- Post updated at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:11 PM ----------

my need

if 4th field contains Apple i need to run some commands

while using if i am checking the conditions for other columns too

use nawk instead of awk if you are running a SunOS/Solaris plateform

also try

awk -F\| '$4~/Apple/{print}' yourfile
awk -F\| '$4!~/Apple/{print}' yourfile

Don't forget to set FS in awk ...

Alternatively perhaps just shell?

while IFS=\| read f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
  case $f4 in 
    *Apple* ) 
       echo "$f1 contains Apple ($f4)"  
done < infile
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... Oooops... fixed ! thx