How to use IFS in this scenario?

Given the scenario like this, if at all if have to use IFS on the below given example, how it should be used.




I want to use the last slash /file1 . So can anyone, suggest me how to pick the last "/" as a IFS.

try this,

echo '/xyz/123/348/file1' | awk -F/ '{print FS$NF}'
echo '/xyz/123/348/file1' |  sed 's;.*/;/;'

Hi, you do not need to use IFS for that, not an external program

$ file=/xyz/123/348/file1
$ echo ${file##*/}
$ echo ${file%/*}

How about basename - that is designed to return the file name from a path. It will optionally remove suffixes (like file extensions)

>basename $f
>basename $f .c