how to use find command to get latest file

Is there a way to use find command to get the latest file and cp it into a certain dir at the same try.

example find the latest file and cp to a diff dir.

Did you try ls -ltr. The latest file will be at the bottom of the list.

yea but i am trying to list and copy in the same try. I tried piping a cp command with ls ltr but it didnt work.

cp `/bin/ls -t | head -1` some_other_directory

although i don't recommend doing it this way because it
lacks sufficient error checking.

better would be:

/bin/ls -t | head -1 | read file_nm

if [ -f "$file_nm" ]; then
  cp $file_nm some_other_directory

Thanks that works.

cp "$( ls -t | { IFS= read -r f; printf "%s" "$f"; } )" "$DEST"